Located in Boyle County
Drug and Alcohol Intensive Outpatient Program
Licensed By the Office of the Inspector General
Clients are male/female ages 18 years and older
6 Month Program
Maximum sixty (60) clients.
Intensive treatment day or evening
In lieu of serving jail sentence.
(Men & Women)
Evidence-based treatment
Integration of best practices, with clinical expertise, in the context of patient characteristics, culture, and preferences
12-Step Programming
Clients participate in group and individual therapy
Utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Clients participate (to the extent they are physically able) in our full wellness programs
Features wide variety of services including referrals to other programs
Vocational and Employment Assistance
Client have access to a Medicaid Connector to utilize all services that are available through Medicaid.
Clients, when possible, will be introduced to a local contact and support group in his/her community
Day Reporting staff will work with the court to ensure additional post-treatment support is available
Staff will also work in tandem with the courts to provide custom aftercare program for each client